The security of a moment should always be appreciated simply because that security can be fleeting.
Se-cu-rity is defined as:
Se-cu-rity is defined as:
Definition of SECURITY
: the quality or state of being secure: asa : freedom from danger : safetyb : freedom from fear or anxiety
I believe an amendment should be made to the definition and to highlight the fact that security is in fact fleeting. There is nothing in our lives that is completely secure and the constant shifting, evolving, eroding, ensures that. The idea that life had a level of stability is a veiled attempt to put people at ease. An ease that lulls them into a state of comfort then into a state of shock when changes occurs. They have existential crises and ponder if everything that they done up to now is truly what they wanted or ponder if the road they already on is the road they want to remain on. The cliche fork in the road. Terms such as those themselves are made up to make change seem good, acceptable, a part of life, just like security.
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