I had to Google the word "multitasking" to double check whether it was hyphenated. At this moment I have six windows open. I will inevitably flip back to another tab to check something. I just got a text message from Sarah. Of course I will check it. A few months ago my Tio came over to help D and I with moving some things. He came in sat and started to talk to me. D sat on the other couch trying to finish some work on his Ipad. My laptop say on the coffee table. We were both facing out screens. "So mija how is everything?" Tio asked. "Good, Tio. Hang on. I just need to post this." I said without looking up at him. "Man, all you guys do is stare at those screens. Why don't you put them down," he said reaching for my laptop. Tio was demanding my attention. My work was demanding my attention. The T.V. was on in the ...
Sometimes I make sense. Sometimes I make you think. Sometimes I just need to write.