I am thankful for...
1. My new dog Faustino who has warmed my heart towards pets again after saying goodbye to my beautiful Drew-b this year.
2. My husband who supports me through every crazy idea I have and won't mind that Faustino the dog came before him on this list.
3. My sister/mom who is/are a pain in the ass and likes to fight with but can't stay mad at me too long.
4. My uncle who texts me every morning to say good-morning even when he knows I'll be sleeping.
5. My lovely small but close knit group of friends who don't let lapses in time and/or distance change our friendships.
6. My job. I worked very hard. It showed me that patience and my stubbornness paid off. I have felt a little lost this semester because I got so used to having a bone to chew on, but I will learn to have a new goal.
7. I'm thankful for goals.
8. My time off that I will use to brush the cobwebs off my writing brain.
9. The stack of books that have been patiently waiting on my nightstand for me to read.
10. My writing group, Last Friday Writer's. Although we have all been a little busy with all the good/bad things that get in the way, they keep me closer to writing even when I float out to sea a bit.
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