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20 Random Yasminisms

1. I don't like ketchup or mayo. When I see people's food drowned in either, I shudder and remember an old episode from School House Rock with a song "don't drown your food!"

2. I'm impatient. Many people don't notice, but the people who know me feel the moment when I want to yell, "Get to the point!"

3. My favorite vegetable is Brussels sprouts. They are tiny cabbages of goodness.

4. I've been told I have high expectations of myself. This backfires on me because I expect the same from others. If I can do  it, why can't you?

5. My favorite color is cobalt blue. It's dark but bright at the same time.

6. I'm fiercely loyal to my friends and family and will do anything to help, support, etc.

7. Fighting has always been easier for me. I think it's the temper I inherited from my mother.

8. My closet is organized from light to dark within each color. Years of retails has left unable to just hang anything anywhere.

9. I can tell if a woman is wearing the wrong bra size just by looking at her. 8 in 10 woman wear the wrong size. They call me the bra whisperer. This is my super hero power.

10. I got my first tattoo at 29. Up until then I'd been too chicken with the permanence of something on my body. I had commitment issues.

11. This February I will have been married for 2 years. It doesn't feel like it's been that long.

12. The first time I shot a gun I was 8 years old. I learned they weren't toys.

13. I've had bouts of insomnia at different times of my life. I don't know what causes it, but know that my brain has problems "shutting down".

14. I have road rage and often yell at drivers from my car. My hands swing back and forth in the car and I must look like an angry Muppet.

15. I can't live without cheese, but I hate milk. As a child my grandma made me drink a glass of rotten milk on accident. She never made me drink milk again.

16. I get embarrassed speaking Spanish. My voice sounds 3 octaves higher, and I dread the shakiness in my voice.

17. My sister is another Mom. She is ten years older than me. When we are together somehow even now, I fall back and act like I'm 13 years old.

18. I'm worried I won't have anything to write about after I stop writing about my grandma.

19. Years of retail have left me able to smile even when I want to scream. The mask comes in handy.

20. One of my favorite things is enjoying a nice meal with friends on a patio with ribbons of sunlight wrapping in and out of shade.


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